Showing posts from June, 2008
Overview: Phytoremediation is the use of certain plants to clean up soil, sediment, and water contaminated with metals and/or organic contaminants such as crude oil, solvents, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). It is a name for the expansion of an o…
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Teknik Transplantasi Tanaman Lanskap (Large Tree Transplantation)
Transplantasi Tanaman - Keberadaan tanaman lanskap dalam penatan kota ( urbanscape ) mau…
WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE Oleh Dendik Subekti Work Breakdown Structure atau dalam bahasa i…
Bunga Sepatu
Hibiscus (pronounced /hɨˈbɪskəs/[2] or /haɪˈbɪskəs/[3]) is a genus of flowering plants in…
Tabebuia adalah neotropical genus dengan kurang lebih 100 spesies dan termasuk dalam marg…
Drawing a Landscape Plan: The Base Map
Drawing a Landscape Plan: The Base Map David Berle Extension Specialist Preparing a lands…