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Drawing a Landscape Plan: The Base Map

Drawing a Landscape Plan:
The Base Map
David Berle
Extension Specialist
Preparing a landscape plan can be an enjoyable
and satisfying experience with a little homework
and some simple guidelines. Though helpful,
a landscape base map can be drawn without a
computer, special software or even expensive
drafting supplies to develop a landscape plan. The
first step in preparing a landscape plan is to draw a
base map. The base map is an accurate representation
of the existing landscape, scaled to fit the
paper, showing information such as house dimensions,
distance to street, location of trees or woods,
and driveway and sidewalks, if these are already
present in the landscape.
What to Include
A good base map should show all buildings,
with sidewalks and driveway. The outline or footprint
of the house should also include the location
of doors, windows, heating and air conditioning
units, and spigots. Draw the street in front of the
house along with the property lines. The base map
should also include the locations of meters, utility
boxes and poles as these are expensive to move
and require occasional access. Some base maps also
show details such as the location of overhead and
underground utilities, streams, ditches and any
easements or setbacks. Interesting landscape features
such as rock outcroppings or streams could
also be drawn on landscape base map. This information
is usually drawn after a site analysis.(See
Fact Sheet 104, Drawing a Landscape Plan: Site Analysis,
for more information on conducting a site
Drawing Materials
The base map is a plan view drawing, which is a
bird’s-eye view of the landscape. Features of the
landscape are drawn with a sharp pencil or rolling
ink pen. The type of writing utensil is up the person
drawing the plan. Some like a mechanical
pencil while others prefer an ink pen. Most beginners
prefer to draw landscape plans using a regular
pencil and a good eraser. Drafting pencils vary,
based on the hardness of the lead. The typical
rating system for drafting pencils goes from 6H to
6Band, where 6H is very hard and light and 6B is
very soft and dark. Different pencil lead weights
help depict the landscape features in different
ways. Ink pens make clearer, darker lines, but
erasing is almost impossible. Smearing is a potential
problem with ink pens. If used, inexpensive
pens with a rolling tip work almost as well as the
more expensive professional pens with interchangeable
The type of paper used to draw a landscape
plan depends on the type of copy that will be made
and how the plan will be used. Landscape architects
usually draw on a strong tracing paper called
vellum and copy onto bond, which is the same as
most computer printers use. Graph paper, whether
vellum or bond, helps beginners make accurate
measurements and makes it easier to calculate the
area of an enclosed space. Each square on the
graph paper can be used to represent a specific
dimension. For example, if one square equals a
square foot, a square that is 4 squares by 4 squares
in size would represent 16 square feet.
Blue-lined graph paper can be copied and the
graph lines will not show if the copier is at a lighter
setting. Purple-lined graph paper can be blueprinted
and the lines will not print. Graph paper is
available in regular white bond paper or special
tracing paper called vellum. Vellum paper is easier
to erase and it copies and blueprints better than
either regular bond or tracing paper. Large graph
paper is usually available wherever art supplies are
sold and can be found at a blueprint supply companies
and internet stores. With a base map complete,
tracing paper can be laid overtop to experiment
with different landscape ideas.
Straight lines and circles are drawn to represent
the elements of the landscape. For example, circles
are drawn to represent the approximate area
covered by the tree canopy. A common ruler and
circular objects such as coins and jar lids can be
used, or inexpensive templates are available from
office supply stores. Everything can be drawn freehand,
depending on skill and accuracy required.
Drawing boards and drafting tables are used by
professionals to provide a clean, smooth surface for
drawing. Some come with a sliding straight edge
connected. These special boards are expensive for
one-time users, but may be worth the expense if
drawing is a frequent activity. Otherwise, the
drawing paper can be placed on a clean, smooth
Scaled Drawing
The drawing of the landscape should be scaled
to accurately to depict the landscape and allow
measurements to be taken from the drawing. A
scaled drawing means that measurements taken
outside will be drawn in a much smaller dimension
on the paper, depending on the size of scale used.
A 100-foot long driveway will be drawn in inches
on the drawing. Most landscape plans are drawn to
a scale of 1:10, which means that 10 feet on the
ground equals 1 inch on paper. For example, a 100-
foot driveway would be 10 inches on paper. Using
a 1:4 scale, 100 feet would be 25 inches on paper.
Popular landscape scales are 1:4, 1:5, 1:8, 1:10, 1:16
and 1:20. Scales of 1:4, 1:8 or 1:16 match the common
increments used on a conventional ruler, but
scales of 1:10 and 1:20 are used by engineers and
landscape architects. Scaled rulers, especially for
drafting, are available with multiple scale increments
marked on them. They are inexpensive and
make the drawing easier.
The size of paper and the size of area to represent
will determine the scale chosen. The larger the
piece of paper, the smaller scale possible, making it
easier to read. If the landscape area cannot fit onto
the paper without scaling down to a size that is
difficult to read, several sheets of paper will be
Measuring and Mapping
If the house is fairly new, much of the base
information will be found on a property survey,
subdivision plat or deed. Current property maps
and base information are often available from the
local planning office. County tax offices may also
be a source of information. If none of these are
available, it will be necessary to take the measurements
and create a base map. For this job, a 100-
foot measuring tape is helpful. First, locate the
property corner markers. If none are found, estimate
their locations. Measure from each corner
point and record this on a sketch of the property.
Make the sketch approximately the shape of the
property boundary line. This process may take
several attempts to get accurate dimensions that fit
together to form the boundary, but the time spent
Figure 1. Example of base map
at this step will make the rest of the drawing easier
and more accurate.
If the corner markers cannot be found, avoid
landscape activity close to the estimated boundary
that will impose on neighbors and possibly violate
local zoning and building codes. If there is any
question about property line location, the cost of a
professional surveyor will pay for itself in the long
run. If the property is too large to measure, consider
mapping just the area chosen for the landscape
Measure the street and sidewalk in relation to
the property lines before locating the house. In
most situations, there are setbacks and easements
from the street that could affect the landscape
plans, so check with the local planning office to get
this information and draw in these lines as well.
Next, take measurements of the house by starting
at a corner that faces the street. Sketch in the
approximate outline, or footprint, of the house.
Show all the corners and turns. Then measure from
the first corner of the house to the next point the
house changes direction and record this distance
on the sketch. Measure from this second point on
the house to the street. Keep the measuring tape as
straight as possible. Continue along the front of the
house, measuring to each turning point, and then
out to the street. Every point does not need a measurement
to the street. When finished measuring
along the front of the house, move to the other
three sides. Be sure to measure and locate on the
drawing items such as porches, air conditioning
units, steps and the front door. These, and other
similar elements, can be critical to the final design.
Once the house is measured on all sides, stop and
draw a scaled version of the entire house or the
portions that relate to the landscape plan. This will
serve as guide for the remaining measurements.
With the house drawn on the base map, move
out into the yard and record measurements of
existing beds, natural areas, individual trees and
any other landscape elements such as gardens or
dog pens. The easiest way to measure the locations
of landscape features is to measure the distance
from the house or known location and a second
fixed location, such as the street or driveway. This
will increase the accuracy of the drawing and make
it easier to draw on the plan. For example, to locate
a tree in the yard, measure from two different
corners on the house to the tree. The two distances
can be matched up on the base map to correctly
show the location of the tree.
Copies and Prints
Once the measuring and drawing of all the
features is complete, the base map can be “cleaned
up” with an eraser or “white out” to remove
smudge marks, crooked lines and any other nonessential
lines or notes. This drawing can then be
copied onto standard white bond paper. Make
several copies of the base map without any new
project work shown. Any future design work can
be drawn on these copies or drawn on tracing
paper or vellum laid over the top.
